Peak Reliance

Why Should You Hire an Online CPA?

Accounting, CPA

With the massive amount of advancement in modern technology individuals around the world have been given the liberty of getting their required services immediately, from the comfort of their own homes. Many service providers including doctors, psychologists and lawyers have actively switched to online consultation. 

The same shift can be seen in the consultation practices of accountants. The notion of hiring a remote accountant or an online Certified public accountant (CPA),  has significantly grown in popularity over the past few years since more and more businesses are adapting to the new digital era and replacing many processes with web-based solutions. So, if you own a small business, using a remote accountant will take your business to the next level.  

What is an online CPA?

As much of a self explanatory the term itself is, an online CPA or accountant is one providing accounting and bookkeeping services virtually. An online accountant will combine the best of the traditional accounting practices with effective cloud-based accounting software to manage the accounts and finances of your business.   

There are a host of benefits of hiring a CPA online, specifically for small businesses, and we will look into 4 major benefits of hiring a CPA.

1. It is Cost Effective

Having an employee on your payroll as full-time or even part-time can cost you a gazillion bucks for no good reason. The added expenses of having full-time working employees include healthcare for the employee, payroll taxes, multiple allowances and other related costs. However, availing online services from a tax expert will save the business from incurring all these costs. This is an ideal situation for a small business or a start-up.  

Other than this, CPAs have a more diverse skill-set at their disposal so they’re providing you a wide range of services with in the same cost as compared to accountants and bookkeepers. They can maintain a general ledger, prepare various financial statements, offer bookkeeping services on your desired time, set up a relevant accounting system, budget and forecast cash flows, and provide payroll services. Along with all of that they can also offer financial advice for small businesses and start-ups. It pays to work with a single person who can do it all. 

2.You Have a Portable Accountant

Once you hire a CPA for their service online, you can take their advice without even having to set up a physical meeting because they’ll be just a call, text or email away. The location doesn’t matter, you may be in a different continent altogether, financial advice will always be just a click away.

3. Easy Access to Expert Financial Advice

CPAs are tax experts. They are well equipped with the necessary skill set to predict the right time to make a financial change or to alter the course of the finances. Having an online CPA enables businesses to have a go-to person for all related issues. For instance, if you decide to make a big change such as, moving, merging, business purchases, or closure, a CPA can help you a great deal in minimizing your costs, keeping you on track with your financial goals and targets while simultaneously analyzing all financial records. CPAs can at any point in time estimate and inform you about the fair market value of your business, meaning they can save you a lot of valuable time and effort.  

4. Paperless is Better

The coming years are bringing about a plethora of climatic changes and threats; for us running out of basic necessities. It is the responsibility of us individuals to look after the environment and sustain it, and as companies and organizations to give back to nature in any way, shape or form. Conservation of these natural resources will only be possible if major steps are taken on a very large scale. Conserving paper is a must. Hiring online CPAs not only accounts for data to be saved in easily accessible cloud-storage bases but also saves tons and tons of papers that is used in traditional accounting to make ledgers, financial statements, bills, invoices, checks, annual reports etc.    

Post Tags :

Accounting, cpa, Online CPA, Small Business, tax

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